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a validated set of choices.

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open class ValidatedAny<T : Any>(defaultValue: T) : ValidatedField<T> , EntryParent

Validation for an arbitrary non-null POJO (Plain Old Java Object). It will create a "mini-config" popup with the same style of list as the main config and section screens. Each field within the object will be validated just like a config, either automatically or purposefully if ValidatedFields are used.

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open class ValidatedBoolean(defaultValue: Boolean) : ValidatedField<Boolean>

A validated boolean value.

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open class ValidatedChoice<T> @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: T, choices: List<T>, handler: EntryHandler<T>, translationProvider: BiFunction<T, String, MutableText> = BiFunction { t, _ -> t.transLit(t.toString()) }, descriptionProvider: BiFunction<T, String, Text> = BiFunction { t, _ -> t.descLit("") }, widgetType: ValidatedChoice.WidgetType = WidgetType.POPUP) : ValidatedField<T>

A validated single choice of any type, from an input list of possible choices

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A validated color value

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A validated value with a fallback that is supplied if provided conditions aren't passed

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open class ValidatedEnum<T : Enum<*>> @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: T, widgetType: ValidatedEnum.WidgetType = WidgetType.POPUP) : ValidatedField<T>

A validated Enum Class

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open class ValidatedExpression @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: String, validVars: Set<Char> = setOf(), validator: EntryValidator<String> = object: EntryValidator<String> { override fun validateEntry(input: String, type: EntryValidator.ValidationType): ValidationResult<String> { return Expression.tryTest(input, validVars).wrap(input) } override fun toString(): String { return "Dummy test with valid variable chars" } }) : ValidatedField<String> , Expression

A validated math expression

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A validated FzzyKeybind, which can be used for any user context input (not just keybinds, but it was a convenient name for this validation). Constructing this validation does not automatically register a context type. If you want to use this in built-int context handling, be sure to use ContextType.create. This validation itself implements Relevant, so can be used in context type registration directly.

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open class ValidatedMapped<N, T> @JvmOverloads constructor(delegate: ValidatedField<T>, to: Function<T, out N>, from: Function<in N, T>, defaultValue: N = to.apply(delegate.get())) : ValidatedField<N>

Represents a ValidatedField mapped to another value representable by the wrapped delegate

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open class ValidatedPair<A, B> @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: ValidatedPair.Tuple<A, B>, leftHandler: Entry<A, *>, rightHandler: Entry<B, *>, layoutStyle: ValidatedPair.LayoutStyle = LayoutStyle.SIDE_BY_SIDE) : ValidatedField<ValidatedPair.Tuple<A, B>>

A validated pair of values

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open class ValidatedString(defaultValue: String, checker: EntryChecker<String>) : ValidatedField<String>

A validated string value

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open class ValidatedTriState @JvmOverloads constructor(defaultValue: TriState, widgetType: ValidatedTriState.WidgetType = WidgetType.SIDE_BY_SIDE) : ValidatedField<TriState> , TriStateProvider

A validated TriState (True, False, or Default). This validation is itself a TriStateProvider, so can directly act as the stored TriState without needing to call get. TriStateProvider is itself a BooleanSupplier, so this validation can be passed directly into places that use one of those, such as ValidatedField.toCondition (default treated as false in that case)